PES & Konami's biggest problem is still communication.
Category: General

The update for squads were suppose to come on the 29th of October and it did. But it wasn't really updated fully and some squads even lost players after the update (Totti at Roma for example). Konami issued an apology that came from a unknown source (It wasn't the producer or Adam Bhatti issuing the apology) and to me it seemed like the person who wrote the answer had very little information about the situation, almost like there was a communcation problem again? It's like he had to fill a page with blaha to give some substance to the situatuion. Last week we got info that news about the 2nd update was to arrive soon? Who even announces news about old news that were suppose to have already come? Konami PR at it's best.
We live in a society where we get news instantly about everything that we want news or information about. But when it comes to PES, you can't get any answers. Konamis Customer Service is their weakest branch, it feels like they're not listening, they're definently not answering, they are actually not even reaching out. And when they do, it's a rare occassion with a now-and-then attitude compared to other companies whom are active full working weeks.
So when every company know that the future for their products is related to how good their support is (people to people) Konami or should I say PES Productions takes the opposite way. They keep quiet. Adam Bhatti, responsible for the product in the world says nothing about the heavier issues involving game play. One of Konami's representatives in Brazil actually put the question about one issue back to the fans. Is there an issue with that? We haven't noticed it. I think it works well. Oh come on, is that good PR? Nope. But that is how it is handled.
Bhatti also stated that all communication should go through their official twitter channel @officialpes. In my opinion this channel is active when Konami wants to hype the game or have some mainstream information out about the product. It's inactive when people want support or knowledge about patches and development. Bhatti of course has his own twitter account, and up until now, if we get any info we (the hardcore fans) actually want it's when Bhatti shares it. But in the exact same manner as the official twitter, Bhatti shuts down large periods of time with no support whatsoever. I even tried mailing him (since I am a contact with him through Linkedin) and no answer.
Why is that? And why does it happen continously with all communication when it comes to Pro Evolution Soccer? This is a large part of Konamis problem with communication and one that must be solved to improve the relationship between the company and its fans and the value of the product itself.
Why is that? And why does it happen continously with all communication when it comes to Pro Evolution Soccer? This is a large part of Konamis problem with communication and one that must be solved to improve the relationship between the company and its fans and the value of the product itself.
The classic "Next year" phrase that so many fans use when they are dissapointed about something that Konami hasn't done comes to mind now. You can't be dissapointed forever, sometimes you just forget and go on and that's when loyalty to a product dissapears.