Konami har släppt Patch 1.02 för Pro Evolution Soccer 2010.
Patch Noteringar
Releasedatum: 17/11/2009
- (ALL) Fixed the problem of edit data reverting to default once the download content is implemented in-game.
- (PC) In view of the current issues, we have temporarily stopped users playing the game on PC's with different CPU manufacturers from being matched in Quick Match. We would like to thank you in advance for your patience and understanding
- (PC) Please be made aware that sometimes, during installation, the process may appear to have stalled with the window status shown as "not responding" for a few minutes. However, we would like to ask you to wait for the installation to resume rather than to retry or abort as the installation is in progress even when the above symptoms occur.
Patchen verkar fixa en bugg för en funktion som vi användare inte har haft tillgång till ännu. (Download content) Förutom det så har jag inte sett några förändringar. Om någon märker något så får ni gärna kontakta mig.
PES 2010 - Patch 1.02
Officiella Patchar Kommentera
Konami har släppt Patch 1.02 för Pro Evolution Soccer 2010.
Patch Noteringar
Releasedatum: 17/11/2009
- (ALL) Fixed the problem of edit data reverting to default once the download content is implemented in-game.
- (PC) In view of the current issues, we have temporarily stopped users playing the game on PC's with different CPU manufacturers from being matched in Quick Match. We would like to thank you in advance for your patience and understanding
- (PC) Please be made aware that sometimes, during installation, the process may appear to have stalled with the window status shown as "not responding" for a few minutes. However, we would like to ask you to wait for the installation to resume rather than to retry or abort as the installation is in progress even when the above symptoms occur.
Patchen verkar fixa en bugg för en funktion som vi användare inte har haft tillgång till ännu. (Download content) Förutom det så har jag inte sett några förändringar. Om någon märker något så får ni gärna kontakta mig.